14th Edition of the Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School 2022

Presence and virtual mode from 3rd to 8th of July in Venice (Italy)

The 14th Edition of the Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School 2022 

will be held in presence and virtual mode from 3rd to 8th of July in Venice (Italy).

Official website ->

Taking part in this international event is a chance for advanced chemistry students to improve their knowledges through 5 days of lectures carried out by Relevant Teaching Professors, wide their vision by being in contact with other students from different countries, and challenge themselves to find sustainable and green solutions to nowadays issues.

Link for apply ->

Deadline for applications for students on site : 1st of June 2022.

Period of online registration : Applications will be possible on 2nd-30th June 2022.

 Participation Fee on site : 700€

Participation Fee online : 65€


L’evento che si svolgerà a Venezia dal 3 all’8 luglio 2022 ,è rivolto ai giovani ricercatori nell’ambito della chimica e scienze affini, offrendo la possibilità di seguire un programma di lezioni intensive, tenute da Professori accreditati presso le maggiori istituzioni internazionali ed i maggiori istituti di ricerca. []

Una descrizione dell’evento “13th Edition of Postgraduate Summer School 2021” è presente sul sito dell’International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)  e del sito IYBSSD2022 ai seguenti link :,




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