first edition of the “School of Supramolecular and Bio-Nanomaterials”

will take place at Villa del Grumello, Como (Italy) from 13th June to 17th June 2022. 

The first edition of the “School of Supramolecular and Bio-Nanomaterials” will take place at Villa del Grumello, Como (Italy) from 13th June to 17th June 2022 ( 


The “1st School of Supramolecular and Bio-Nanomaterials” is organized within the series of the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies


The School is designed for PhD students, Post-Docs, and young scientists with various fields of interest, who aim at mastering the phenomena associated with molecular recognition and self-assembly, and the design and preparation of functional molecules and materials for a wide-range of high-end applications. 


Registration is open through the school website


The school will accept a maximum of 30 attendees.  Selection of participants will be based on motivation letter and CV. 


Important Dates 


APPLICATION DEADLINE :                                   April 30, 2022 

ACCEPTANCE NOTICE :                                         May 8, 2022 

REGISTRATION DEADLINE :                                May 22, 2022. 


Confirmed speakers are: Athanassia Athanassiou (Italy); Francesca Baldelli Bombelli (Italy); Fabio Biscarini (Italy); Guido Clever (Germany); Ivan Huc (Germany); Nathalie Katsonis (The Netherlands); Nonappa (Finland); Ronald T. Raines (USA); Francesco Stellacci (Switzerland); Helma Wennemers (Switzerland); Michael Zaworotko (Ireland); Francesco Zerbetto (Italy) 

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