upcoming series of international summer schools focusing on an innovative and rapidly developing global field of science & technology.
On behalf of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the University of Gdansk, we are delighted to announce FREE online summer schools, funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange – „SPINAKER – Intensive International Education Programs”:
GENERATION QI - Next generation of quantum information scientists
Who can apply?
The call is aimed at international students who have completed at least the 1st year of bachelor’s degree in one of the following fields of science:
- Physics,
- Chemistry,
- Mathematics,
- Technical science,
- Computer science.
17th – 28th July 2023
Quantum Cryptography
7th – 19th August 2023
Picturing Quantum Weirdness
Lectures, workshops, and meetings with the most talented quantum scientists worldwide and activities promoting Polish culture.
For contact details & more information about the programme, please see the link below: