19th – 21th January, 2022
Join us for the first annual PiCSU chemistry PhD symposium 2022.
The PiCSU PhD Symposium 2022 is a scientific meeting that allows PhD students in Chemical Sciences at the University of Florence to share their knowledge with each other and showcase their research results. The meeting will comprise oral presentations of the achievements that the PhD students obtained during the development of their research projects, despite the pandemic situation they have been living.
The PiCSU PhD Symposium 2022 deals with a large number of topics related to chemical sciences, such as new materials, catalysis, organic synthesis, peptide and protein chemistry and biology, computational methods, spectroscopic technologies, Nuclear Magnetic Resoannce, soft matter, novel analytical methods, etc.
The symposium will be organised from 19th to 21st January 2022 in the "Blocco Aule" of the scientific campus of the University of Florence at Sesto Fiorentino, via Gilberto Bernardini 6, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy.
Green pass is strictly required to access the Symposium lecture Hall.
PhD students can access the Symposium scanning the QR access codes at the door of the building. The QR codes are personal and are provided by the university by downloading the QR access application, which can be found at https://qraccess.unifi.it
GPS coordinates: https://goo.gl/maps/pbj4J8TwER32yTMo7 43.818943898834085, 11.192452517589127
The Symposium can also be followed online via the webex platform. Official link
For more information write to picsu(AT)gmail.it or to phdsymposium(AT)chim.unifi.it
Some of the students enrolled in the PhD program in Chemical Sciences volunteered to organize this symposium as members of the organizing committee. The committee created this Symposium in its entirety and made it accessible to all students of the University of Florence to allow all PhD students in Chemical Sciences to share their research projects.
Acar Mert
Bonechi Marco
Giacomazzo Elena Gina
Lettieri Mariagrazia
Pratesi Debora
Ranieri Davide
Santini Saul
Vizza Martina
Ultimo aggiornamento